

秋水灞桥  发表于2001-06-20 04:48:05.0


这是我两位朋友之间的email. 只是一个社会调查而已。供大家一个话题。 > ----- Original Message ----- > From: -------------- > To: ----------------- > Cc: -------------------- > Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 2:17 PM > Subject: Class Suvey Question > > > > Dear ------------, > > These are some of my class survey questions, would please answer these > > questions and explain a little, since you are almost an expert on the Internet Chart > > or talk and so on. Thanks, I do appeciate your help. > > > > 1. How can Internet dating affect Listening and Conversation(normally)? > > > > 2. How can comforting occur through Internet dating? > > > > 3.Would you trust an Internet based relation? Why? > > > > 4. Couples learn to understand and grow in love many times by effecting > > solving their conflicts, how can Internet dating manage conflict? > > > >yours, > > ------- From: ---------- To: --------------- Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 11:38 PM Subject: Re: Class Suvey Question > 1. I think internet dating is ok though it lacks of listening and > conversation. Human-beings do need a place and time to think and communicate > quietly. Internet communication sometimes give people chance to go directly > inside of others and touch something which is not exposed normally. > > 2. Yes, it is comforting to some degree. Though the speed of internet > chating is not as fast as telephone. > > 3. To some degree, I trust. But I still be cautious of some injuries, for > example, I won't go out alone to a quiet place to meet my friend which I > know via internet. Actually, now I don't think it's good to mix the two > worlds together: realistic and internet. > > 4. It is much more difficult to deal with conflicts. It is almost impossible > to do as well as the realistic world. Since it is nessesary for close > relationship to hug, to caress, to pet, to speak softly, to touch tenderly. > The long distance is one reason which makes this difference between internet > world and realistic world, but the most important factors is, people cannot > completely trust a man or woman whom they had never met. Too close > relationship in internet is inevitably fragile. > >



柔软时间  发表于2001-06-20 05:34:09.0


1.网上的交流更在于精神的交流。 2.文字一样可以慰藉心灵,有时会更直接,更深入。 3.我相信,前提是对方也是真诚的。但是我会很小心,尽量保护自己不受伤害。 4.这一点,在网上却是比较困难。在现实中,我们可以借助表情,借助动作来化解矛盾与冲突,可是在网上,一切只能靠文字。这时的文字显得是那么苍白无力。

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