Dear customer-service,
I ordered HXTT Access almost one hour ago and maybe I found the first bug?
Do you have a special email account for bug reports?
I would like to send you the SQL-Statement and the MDB (it's a small one)
Best regards
Markus Lutz
I forgot the sql-statement:
Select [AuthRole].Name AS Role, 'Roles' AS Expr1 , au.Username from AuthRole, AuthUser as au
[AuthRole].ID_AuthRole in
SELECT [AuthGroupRole].REF_AuthRole
FROM AuthUser
AuthGroup INNER JOIN AuthGroupRole ON [AuthGroup].ID_AuthGroup = [AuthGroupRole].REF_AuthGroup
INNER JOIN AuthUserGroup ON [AuthGroup].ID_AuthGroup = [AuthUserGroup].REF_AuthGroup
ON [AuthUser].ID_AuthUser = [AuthUserGroup].REF_AuthUser
WHERE [AuthUser].Username=au.Username
[AuthRole].ID_AuthRole in
SELECT [AuthUserRole].REF_AuthRole
FROM AuthUser
INNER JOIN AuthUserRole ON [AuthUser].ID_AuthUser = [AuthUserRole].REF_AuthUser
WHERE [AuthUser].Username=au.Username
You can zip and email it to .
Tried your sql. Your sql is correct. But if 'Roles' is a column name, you should use "Roles" AS Expr1 or AuthRole.Roles as Expr1.
>Supported now. Fixed a bug in sql optimization. Please download the latest >package. Thanks for your response.
Now it works.
Thanks for your quick response - and keep up the good work.
Best Regards
Markus Lutz