When inserting some information into an Access DB via the HXTT driver it could happen that a 'Found some recursive information at page 302' exception occur:
>> java.sql.SQLException: Failed to insert a new record into table Test! For more information, please use SQLException.getNextException().' if HXTT MS Access JDBC driver used
>> SQLState: 60000
>> vendorCode: 393216
>> NextException: java.sql.SQLException: Found some recursive information at page 302
>> NextException.SQLState: 23000
>> NextException.vendorCode: 143360
This problem is hard to reproduce. It is possible to consecutively add thousands of records and didn't receive any problem. When changing the data a little bit, then it could occur after a few hundred insert statements. The table and the SQL statement could be fairly simple, e.g. we reproduced it with an Access DB consisting of only one table with just three columns of type number ('Zahl' in german). (If it will help, then I can send this example to you - just tell me which e-mail address.)
I downloaded the driver on Februar 26th 2006.
Thank you in advance for you help,
>> NextException: java.sql.SQLException: Found some recursive information at page 302
It means that HXTT Access thought some information in index pages are invalid. You can send it to webmaster.hxtt@gmail.com .
I sent our testfiles to you.
One additional comment on this problem:
It is reproducable with MS Access 97 MDB files and MS Access 2000 MDB files. But it seems to occur earlier for '97'. The test files do not crash under '2000'.
Thanks for your help. Recured and fixed. It's not an invalid index error, and your mdb file isn't invalid in fact. HXTT Access did only a wrong index page depth calcuation for verification purpose sometimes. Please download the latest package.