I have writen a programm in Java (1.4X) for scoring Bridgetournaments. Now a new hardware for Input of scores is availabel. To communicate with this server i have to create a access-database and connect to this.
When trying your demoversion of HX Access i have two problems:
1. the database i have to create must have the extension bws not mbd.
2. In the table i have to create a row named "table" and some rows with a "/" in the rowname, when i try this i will get a parse-error.
Is there a way to chance the extension and to create the rows with the expected names?
best regards
Klaus Kersting
For special column name, you can use "", or [] to enclose it. For instance,
select "table",[table', "aaaa/b","ccc d" from atable.
For bws extension, please wait. We will provide such a feature in 24 hours.
select "table",[table', "aaaa/b","ccc d" from atable.
should be
select "table",[table], "aaaa/b","ccc d" from atable.
Please download the latest package which has provided OtherExtension connection property to support other extension beside 'MDF' and 'MDE'.
For instance,
dbCon = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:access:///F:/mdbfiles/HXTTBug.bws?OtherExtension=bws");
dbCon = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:access:///F:/mdbfiles?OtherExtension=bws");