I have an Microsoft access database on our AS/400 machine.
I have a piece of software on the AS/400 that allows me to develop queries of remote databases such as access.
The software I am using requires the use of a type 4 jdbc driver to work with my access database.
Your software provides that link.
When I place the Access_JDBC30.jar where the software vendor tells me to place it i get an error
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.hxtt.sql.access.AccessDriver
Is there a way to extract this driver so I can use the software.
Thank You
>When I place the Access_JDBC30.jar where the software vendor tells me to
>place it i get an error
>java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.hxtt.sql.access.AccessDriver
Please read Setting the CLASSPATH. It seems that you failed to set the correct classpath. Some tools need to set Access_JDBC30.jar explicitly in a setting properties file. One possible error is that your Access_JDBC30.jar was download partly, and need to redownload.
>Is there a way to extract this driver so I can use the software.
Unjar it to your classpath.