I believe I have a bug in the Access 3.0 JDBC driver, version 8/31/2006. This bug was also present in the previous version.
I am attempting to insert a value into a table of tax returns. I find, however, that I am unable to populate one of the columns, the column for the taxpayer ID (ssn). If I attempt to insert a row with a value in this column, the query completes, but the column value is not updated:
insert into tbl_be_tax_rtn (part_ssno, tax_yr) values ('123456789', '2003')
"select * from tbl_be_tax_rtn" will show a row with tax_yr = 2003, but part_ssno will be null.
Even more strangely, when I insert into a different column, 'proc_rslt', the driver is updating the part_ssno column.
I would be happy to provide you with a copy of the database in question in order to allow you to fix the problem.
Keith McMillan
ftp site: ftp.hxtt.com
ftp user: anonymous@hxtt.com
ftp password: (empty)
login mode: normal (not anonymous)
ftp port:21
upload directory: incoming
After upload, you can't see that upload file, but it has been upload.
then notify us through webmaster@hxtt.com .
I have uploaded the access database file into the directory you provided. The file is named "Empty Copy of Duty Disability.mdb".
The following statements are producing unexpected results, with the wrong column being updated, or no column being updated:
insert into TBL_BE_TAX_RTN (PART_SSNO, TAX_YR, RCVD_DT, PROC_DT, PROC_RSLT, OFFST_ADJ, ADJ_AMT ,CERT_MAIL_NO ) VALUES ('080288704', '2003', '2006-1-8', null, null, null, null, null)
I look forward to a resolution of the problem.
Please download the latest HXTT Access JDBC Package.It should have solved this problem.