I created an access 95 .mdb file setting versionNumber = JET3. All the subsequent create and insert statements completed w/out error, however the resulting .mdb file cannot be viewed/repaired/converted within Access 2k3. All attempts to access any of the tables within the file result in a prompt stating 'invalid arguement'.
ftp site: ftp.hxtt.com
ftp user: anonymous@hxtt.com
ftp password: (empty)
login mode: normal (not anonymous)
ftp port:21
upload directory: incoming
After upload, you can't see that upload file, but it has been upload.
then notify us through webmaster@hxtt.com .
Your upload file is 818,741 bytes? It's an invalid mdb files without random lose 460 bytes so that it can't be accessed by HXTT Access too. If your file is 819200 bytes, you can zip it, and reupload it.
Passed test on Access 2000. We will test it at Access 2003 soon.
Passed test on Access 2003 too. Your sample can be opened and viewed in MS Access 2003, and can run Repair and Compact Database without error prompt. It can be converted to MS Access 200 format or 2002-2003 format too.
>however the resulting .mdb file cannot be viewed/repaired/converted within
>Access 2k3.
>All attempts to access any of the tables within the file result in a prompt stating 'invalid arguement'.
I can't recur that issue with your sample.
Copy from Some Microsoft Access MDB Corruption Symptoms
3001 - Invalid argument. This one typically happens when clicking on a corrupted record within a table. Or by running a query or form against that record. All the fields show #Error. See Damaged record(s) within tables. Another cause may be missing Access 2000 SR-1 if you are trying to " import data, copy a table, or run an append query " See You may receive an "Invalid argument" error message when you run an append query, run a make-table query, or import data in a large Access database file - 302495. Also see You may receive an "Invalid argument" error message when you run an append query in a large Access database file - 835416 which states that your MDB may be approaching the 2 Gb size limit. (Or 1 Gb for Access 97 MDBs.)
But your issue can't be recurred.