Heng Xing Tian Tai Lab of Xi'an City (abbr, HXTT)
problems with ordering, Croatian characters |
Boris Kukec |
2006-11-28 17:01:04 |
Hi, my name is Boris Kukec, I am using your JDBC driver for MS Access.
It works very good. I have just one, but big problem.
I have tables with Croatian characters like ��������?
when a make order by, rows are not ordered corectly.
For example, correct ordering for column (COL1) is:
But select with order by COL1 returns:
Words with Croatian characters are at the end of the resultset, that is wrong, it should be like in first example.
Maybe I am doing somethig wrong. But every possible seting, like character set, or ordering in access database file is set to Cp1250 (code page for Croatia) and Croatian ordering, it does not help.
Re:problems with ordering, Croatian characters |
HXTT Support |
2006-11-30 01:16:20 |
>when a make order by, rows are not ordered corectly.
It's normal since HXTT Access doesn't support to set collation for order caluse now.
What's your sql? What's your MS Access version(95, 97, 2000,...)? Whether have you built index on col1?
Re:Re:problems with ordering, Croatian characters |
Boris Kukec |
2006-11-30 02:47:22 |
MS Access version ar 97 and 2000.
I have tryed with index and without index, result was the same.
Sql is very simple:
select col1 from table1 order by col1
Re:Re:problems with ordering, Croatian characters |
Boris Kukec |
2006-11-30 03:30:30 |
MS Access version ar 97 and 2000.
I have tryed with index and without index, result was the same.
Sql is very simple:
select col1 from table1 order by col1
Re:Re:Re:Re:problems with ordering, Croatian characters |
HXTT Support |
2006-11-30 03:35:30 |
That's resulted for ORDER BY clause is using unicode to sort. You can try
select col1 from table1 order by COLLATE(col1,'SLOVAK');
COLLATE(string1[,collation]): For multilingual sort in ORDER BY clause. Now collation can be 'DUTCH', 'GERMAN', 'ICELAND', 'SPANISH', 'RUSSIAN', 'CZECH', 'GREEK', 'SLOVAK', 'POLISH', 'TURKISH', 'HUNGARY', and 'MAZOVIA'. Without collation parameter, COLLATE function will try to utilize charSet property in Connection properties.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:problems with ordering, Croatian characters |
HXTT Support |
2006-11-30 03:36:24 |
select col1 from table1 order by COLLATE(col1,'Cp1250');
is the answer.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:problems with ordering, Croatian characters |
Boris Kukec |
2006-11-30 11:47:08 |
It didn't help, but thanks any way.
We find another solution this time.
In our project, we added extra Text column for sort.
In this new colum we replaced Croatian characters with special substrings so
sortig works.
We also hope that this sortig problem will bi resolved in the future.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:problems with ordering, Croatian characters |
HXTT Support |
2006-11-30 22:58:14 |
v2.0.044 added CP850, CP852, CP866, CROATIAN, HEBREW, and SWEDISH sort for COLLATE function.
Now you can use:
select col1 from table1 order by COLLATE(col1,'CROATIAN');