I have downloaded this driver and i have successfully used the java example 1 program changing to connect to an Access database on my c drive as shown.
//Please see Connecting to the Database section of Chapter 2. Installation in Development Document
//Please change "demodata" to your database directory
String url = "jdbc:Access:/C:/db1.mdb";
//Please replace with your query statement.
//You should read SQL syntax in HXTT Access Development Document
String sql = "select * from auditTrail ";
However, i'm now trying to use this driver from an IBM ISERIES(AS400). This is being used via an RPGLE program. I seem to get connected to the driver, but i keep getting the following error. c:/db1.mdb doesn't exist or can't be accessed!
my connection string looks like this.
conn = JDBC_Connect( 'com.hxtt.sql.access.AccessDriver'
: 'jdbc:access:/c:/db1.mdb'
:(' ')
: (' ') );
Might you have any suggestions as to what might be causing the problem.
Can you make sure there's a c:/dbf1.mdb pat at your IBM ISERIES(AS400)? You should use the correct path.