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Heng Xing Tian Tai Lab of Xi'an City (abbr, HXTT)

Emergency Bug report
2007-06-06 03:31:18

1- I created a new database and a new table in there
2- Just after step 1, I tried to insert some records in the table, but it was not successful. But when I executed the program again where the database was already created at the first time, it was successful.
So, the problem is that, the driver is not capable to do both jobs consecutively.
Note: I uses Java 5.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Properties;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

* @author barmak
public class MSAccessTest extends TestCase {
private static String CATALOG_PATH = "c:/temp/testaccess";
private static String DATABASE_NAME = "Database1";
private static String TABLE_NAME = "Table1";
private Connection connection;
public MSAccessTest(String name) {

* @throws java.lang.Exception
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
String lUrl = "jdbc:access:///"+CATALOG_PATH;
Properties prop=new Properties();
DriverManager.registerDriver(new com.hxtt.sql.access.AccessDriver());
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(lUrl, prop);

* @throws java.lang.Exception
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
public void test1() throws Exception{
//1 create database
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
statement.execute("create database if not exists "+DATABASE_NAME+"");
statement.execute("create table if not exists "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha varchar(25))");
statement.executeUpdate("insert into "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha) values('Hello1')");
statement.executeUpdate("insert into "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha) values('Hello2')");

Question #1: Is it possible to create a Catalog in zip form from java.

Best regards, Barmak Heidarasadi
Temporary Workaround :Emergency Bug report
2007-06-06 04:23:00
A for now workaround:
When 2 tables are created, it works fine:

Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
statement.execute("create database if not exists "+DATABASE_NAME+"");
statement.execute("create table "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha varchar(25))");
statement.execute("create table if not exists "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+"BUG_WORKAROUND_TABLE"+"(TAlpha varchar(25))");
statement.executeUpdate("insert into "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha) values('Hello1')");
statement.executeUpdate("insert into "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha) values('Hello2')");
statement.executeUpdate("insert into "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha) values('Hello3')");
statement.executeUpdate("insert into "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha) values('Hello4')");
statement.execute("drop table "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+"BUG_WORKAROUND_TABLE");
Re:Re:Emergency Bug report
HXTT Support
2007-06-06 05:35:52
>statement.execute("create database if not exists "+DATABASE_NAME+"");
>statement.execute("create table if not exists "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha varchar(25))");
>statement.executeUpdate("insert into "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha) values('Hello1')");
>statement.executeUpdate("insert into "+DATABASE_NAME+"."+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha) values('Hello2')");
Failied to recur your issue. What's your exception message?

The simplest solution:
statement.execute("create database if not exists "+DATABASE_NAME+"");
statement.execute("create table if not exists "+TABLE_NAME+"(TAlpha varchar(25))");

Re:Re:Re:Emergency Bug report
2007-06-06 05:40:40
There is no exception at all, it just does not write the records into the table.
It creates database and tables successfully, but cannot write into the table as the next step (without reporting any exception).
Anyway I managed to find a workaround, (I already posted it), may be a clue for you.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Emergency Bug report
HXTT Support
2007-06-06 07:16:16
Recurred and fixed. Thanks. We will release the latest package in 24 hours.

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