HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
David Teller |
2008-02-14 10:55:34 |
I'm trying out your driver as a speed improvement to an existing project where I'm using the jdbc-odbc bridge to connect to Access.
I'm basically copying a bunch of data from SQL server into Access.
When I use your driver and bulk insert from a jdbc recordset:
// Record set from sql server
rsSQL = stmtSQL.executeQuery(t.selectSQL);
// Prepared statement from HXTT driver
stmtAccess = aConn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO mytable ( columns...) ?;");
stmtAccess.setObject(1, rsSQL);
int result = stmtAccess.executeUpdate();
Some of the fields in Access show up as "#Error" and clicking on them tells me that the database can't be opened.
It seems to happen with memo/longvarchar fields.
And not every record is affected.
Dave Teller
Re:HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
HXTT Support |
2008-02-15 01:19:33 |
Another user reported also "Error" in Access 2007 using Vista and Windows Server 2003, while is normal in Access 2003 in Windows XP SP2. May be this is result of latest updates from Microsoft. What's your MS Access version?
Re:Re:HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
David Teller |
2008-02-15 05:51:53 |
I am using an Access 2000 format database.
Re:Re:Re:HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
HXTT Support |
2008-02-15 16:38:54 |
Yeah. Are you using that database in MS Access 2000? You can remove those irrelative table and sensitive data, then zap and email us that file so that we can see where's your issue.
Re:Re:Re:HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
HXTT Support |
2008-02-15 16:39:18 |
BTW, please remember to backup your database.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
David Teller |
2008-02-19 09:47:10 |
I've mailed a zipped access database file to your support address since there is no way to attach it here.
Dave Teller
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
David Teller |
2008-02-19 10:09:23 |
Sorry, your mail server wouldn't accept my attachment because it is too large.
If I compact the access database the error is lost.
Is there any way I can upload it via ftp?
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
HXTT Support |
2008-02-21 06:39:32 |
You can zip and upload your sample into:
ftp site: ftp.hxtt.com
ftp user: anonymous@hxtt.com
ftp password: (empty)
login mode: normal (not anonymous)
ftp port:21
upload directory: incoming
transer mode: binary (not ASCII)
After upload, you can't see that upload file, but it has been upload.
You can try webmaster.hxtt@gmail.com too.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
David Teller |
2008-02-21 13:27:55 |
I have some additional information on this.
Apparently, Access does not like fields with inline data more than 64 bytes (32 characters) long and writing a field like that produces the symptom.
I'll try to put together a fairly simple test case.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
HXTT Support |
2008-02-21 19:04:36 |
Yeah. But that issue exists only for MS Access 2007 using Vista and Windows Server 2003, and have been supported since Junly, 2007. Maybe you're using an older package, and you can download that latest package, and run "update yourtable set thatvarcharcolumn=thatvarcharcolumn+'' to see whether your issue disappear.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:HXTT Access Driver - #Error fields in database |
HXTT Support |
2008-03-01 07:24:01 |
Thanks for your patience. Supported. We will release a latest package in about 48 hours. Then you can run once update contact set yourvarcharcolumn=yourvarcharcolumn+''; with HXTT Access to disappear all Data Error messages.