Many thanks for replying to my previous enquiry but unfortunately it hasn't solved the problem. Also you seem to have mistaken what I wrote. I have a database simulator written in Java and have successfully connectted to the JDBC-ODBC bridge in Sybase and the native bridge in Microsoft Excel. I would like to be able to use Microsoft ACCESS in the same way. I had imagine that an applet would require no modification in order to work. But I see that there are two fields that require changes. My changes are shown below. But despite this I still get the same message "No suitable driver". I have downloaded the software again today so that there should be no problem with the 30 day license. What more can I do to test the driver please.
Regards Keith Moss
What's your jdbc url? It hasn't any relation with ODBC.
I don't understand your question in relation to my question I'm just try to use the applet for the Access JDBC-ODBC version 3 and it doesn't work.
Regards Keith Moss
Im trying to use the Appllet for the Access JDBC and it doesn't work
Keith Moss
If you're using Sun's freee jdbc-odbc bridge dirver for Applet, there's security limitation so that you can't access odbc data source from web browser.
If you're using HXTT Access driver, it needn't any odbc setting, and you need only to set up a correct jdbc url, and load com.hxtt.sql.access.AccessDriver class in your code.
I have to do all that just to run the applet?
You can find a sample in if you are using HXTT Access driver.