Hi I'm trying to build the table definition(the create table sql command) for tables from an MS Access db,
I'm getting the java.sql.Connection
con = DriverManager.getConnection(....);
and tried
resultSet = con.getMetaData().getColumns(...);
and also
stmt = con.createStatement();
stmt.execute("SELECT * FROM [" + tableName + "] where 1<>1;");
resultSet = stmt.getResultSet();
ResultSetMetaData meta = resultSet.getMetaData();
but in both cases when I try to get the "scale"/decimal_digits ... it's not returning the proper values
does your driver provide this, and I didn't use it properly ?
i use Access_JDBC30.jar and the db is made with MS Access 2003, my OS is Windows 7.
Can you tell me how can I find the scale properly ?
Supported. Please downloasd the latest package.