Hello, I get a the following exception. I've tried Driver 3.0, 4.0,4.2.
If the cause is in the Data, any idea i can identified the corrupted line.
15/10/2015 13:05:53: at com.hxtt.sql.cobol.a.a(Unknown Source)
15/10/2015 13:05:53: at com.hxtt.sql.cobol.s.a(Unknown Source)
15/10/2015 13:05:53: at com.hxtt.sql.r.a(Unknown Source)
15/10/2015 13:05:53: at com.hxtt.sql.z.a(Unknown Source)
15/10/2015 13:05:53: at com.hxtt.sql.z.a(Unknown Source)
15/10/2015 13:05:53: at com.hxtt.sql.cc.y(Unknown Source)
15/10/2015 13:05:53: at com.hxtt.sql.d1.a(Unknown Source)
15/10/2015 13:05:53: at com.hxtt.sql.d1.a(Unknown Source)
15/10/2015 13:05:53: at com.hxtt.sql.de.try(Unknown Source)
15/10/2015 13:05:53: at com.hxtt.sql.de.next(Unknown Source)
It should be an unexpected data or invalid format information in your file. If possible, please email us your sample for check purpose.
download link : http://we.tl/6KcYgU7En8
Your file is too big to download. If possible, you can zip it, then upload it to HXTT's site.
ftp site: ftp.hxtt.com
ftp user: anonymous@hxtt.com
ftp password: (empty)
login mode: normal (not anonymous)
ftp port:21
upload directory: incoming
After upload, you can't see that upload file, but it has been upload.