To whom it may concern,
I am trying to test out my RM Cobol files using your JDBC Trial Driver (both the 3.0 and 4.2 versions).
I have registered the driver and entered a file location-based URL however, my files (*.cbl and the matching *.cpy descriptions and the associated .ndx indexes) are not showing up in the list (just a "." location with nothing inside, and a couple zip file locations that don't expand into anything either).
Does your driver support RM Cobol files (*.cbl, *.cpy and *.ndx)? Is theis just a naming convention issue? If so, what should the files be named?
Of course, it support RM Cobol files(*.cbl, *.cpy). But what's *.ndx. If *.ndx is your data file, you should use fileExtension=ndx connection property. If you still met issue, you can email us your data sample, then we will show you the correct code.
OK, if you support files ending in cbl and cpy what URL should I use? If I point to the directory it does not list those files, only some zip files I have in the directory (with the same cbl, cpy and NDX files).
As for NDX, that is the RM index.
I have renamed the data file to DAT and the copybook to CPY.
I am now able to browse the connection via a JDBC tool.
However, I am now getting a "Failed to load table MSMODL:An invalid RMCobol size information" message when trying to select * from MSMODL.
I have sent a zip file to
Let me know if you can help me determine if this driver can be used.
Checked. Your RMCobol data sample is different from our sample. What's your RM version or the tool which read or produce that file?