Failed to load table TEST:An invalid AcuCobol block size information
HXTT Cobol thought your AcuCobol data file contains an invalid block size information. You can email us your sample.
Checked your sample:
First, rename ABANA.fd to ABANA001.FD, AND ABANA.SEL to ABANA001.SEL .
Secondly, modify the following line in ABANA001.FD
> 03 KHANA PIC 9(6).
03 KHANA PIC X(6).
to avoid invalid number value.
Then select * from ABANA001;
you will get 2490 data rows.
I have not met "An invalid AcuCobol block size information".
I still get: Failed to load table ABANA001:An invalid AcuCobol block size information
I use the 4.1 driver dated 24.jul.2015: is that the problem?
Yeah. Your version is too old, and you can download the latest package now.