For ease of change and version tracking can you please update the .jar title to include the version number?
e.g. ACCESS_JDBC30-1.0.1.jar
Also can you please find out a way to have ACCESS_JDBC30-1.0.1.jar and DCF_JDBC30.jar coexist in the same classpath? I need to have both drivers available, but cannot because they both export the same package name (with incompatible implementations!)
>e.g. ACCESS_JDBC30-1.0.1.jar
No. It will bring trouble for users to replace simply the older package with the latest pacakge. You can use java -cp Access_JDBC30.jar com.hxtt.sql.access.AccessDriver to print the detailed version information.
>Also can you please find out a way to have ACCESS_JDBC30-1.0.1.jar and >DCF_JDBC30.jar coexist in the same classpath? I need to have both drivers >available, but cannot because they both export the same package name (with >incompatible implementations!)
Because the latest pacakges have modified some important common API. Just download the latest DBF_JDBC30.jar too, then they can work in the same classpath.
Thanks for your quick feedback.
How will it make trouble? Most major jar library releases (e.g. all the issued apache releases) are named like this to avoid the problem of version incompatibilities and confusion that crop up when jar files are named without a version. Or at least include a MANIFEST.MF file that has the version number. One shouldn't have the execute the code to find out the version number.
And I will try with matched ACCESS and DBF packages.
ACCESS_JDBC30-1.0.1.jar won't have a DBF_JDBC30-1.0.1.jar to cooperate with it. If your DBF_JDBC30.jar can't work with Access_JDBC30.jar, this means just one thing you should update DBF_JDBC30.jar for important improvement. For instance, the fixed bug on index optimization of join table, existed not only in Access package, but also DBF package.
>Or at least include a MANIFEST.MF file that has the version number.
>One shouldn't have the execute the code to find out the version number.
Now we add just a simple comment in jar file. We will complement a MANIFEST.MF soon for the future package.
All of the latest packages have provided MANIFEST.MF .