Hi there
I am trying to create a Foxpro 6.0 table using SQL and HXTT jdbc driver. I used the following SQL which created the table but when I applied the following SQL to create index, FoxPro 6.0 cannot view the table.
create table if not exists AGENCY (COSTID int,DEPARTMENT char(70) null ,CIDN char(20) null ,ACCTMN char(30),ACCTMNPH char(18),ACCTMNFX char(18) null );
create unique index if not exists pk_tag of AGENCY.cdx on AGENCY (COSTID );
Any ideas?
Michael Mok
Supported. Please download the latest package.
BTW, you can use:
create table if not exists AGENCY (COSTID int,DEPARTMENT char(70) null ,CIDN char(20) null ,ACCTMN char(30),ACCTMNPH char(18),ACCTMNFX char(18) null , primary key (COSTID));
create table if not exists AGENCY (COSTID int UNIQUE,DEPARTMENT char(70) null ,CIDN char(20) null ,ACCTMN char(30),ACCTMNPH char(18),ACCTMNFX char(18) null );
but VFP won't see the created AGENCY.IDX index file.