Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
Ahamed miftha |
2006-08-16 07:32:41 |
I am using the HXTT DBF v3.0 to access the fox pro tables created in sco unix.
I can update , Select , and insertusing the setProperty("LockType","FOXPRO")
(No other type of DBF allow me to do all three of this)
but the prolem I have is the code updates the DBF even when it is locked by foxpro.
Is there a way that I can slove this problem.
Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
HXTT Support |
2006-08-16 07:41:23 |
>but the prolem I have is the code updates the DBF even when it is locked by foxpro.
It means that HXTT DBF failed to see that lock from Unix foxpro. You can try FOXBASE or SoftC type to see whether it can detect Unix foxpro's lock. I guess that SoftC should work normal. BTW, what's your Foxpro version? What's the suffix of index file, MDX, IDX, or CDX?
Re:Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
HXTT Support |
2006-08-16 18:46:45 |
You can download the latest package, and try FOXPRO4UNIX type now:)
Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
Miftha |
2006-08-16 20:28:44 |
The unix forpro version 2.6 (FOXPRO 2.6 for UNIX) is the version we are using with SoftC it works correctly.But there is another problem.We are currently using a PRG files to access DBF, so we will have to run java and .prg files simultaneously for some time, the problem is when DBF is used with exclusive off the other programs must be able to access the DBF but now it shows the same exception.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
Miftha |
2006-08-16 20:34:47 |
Our Index file is IDX
Re:Re:Re:Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
Miftha |
2006-08-16 20:36:49 |
Our Index file is IDX
:Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
Nuwan J |
2006-08-16 20:38:28 |
We are using FOXPRO 2.6 version for UNIX. When we using the HXTT DBF v3.0 to access the foxpro tables, I can update, Select, and inserting the setProperty("LockType","softc").
But we had a problem, when we are exclusive off a table using a foxpro application and simultaneously we try to select a query using the HXTT DBF v3.0 .But it doesn������t get a result set. We are using the IDX type indexes.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
HXTT Support |
2006-08-16 20:52:56 |
>update, Select, and inserting the setProperty("LockType","softc").
You should use lockType, not LockType. You should download the latest package and use FOXPRO4UNIX value.
>But we had a problem, when we are exclusive off a table using a foxpro >application and simultaneously we try to select a query using the HXTT DBF >v3.0 .But it doesn������t get a result set. We are using the IDX type indexes.
Try lockType=FOXPRO4UNIX , and let us know the error message.
Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
Shervon |
2006-08-16 21:45:33 |
We downloaded your updated trial version file, when setProperty("lockType","FOXPRO4UNIX") is used it does not identify that the dbf is locked by some one else when the DBF is used with exclusive or without exclusive it updates the DBF anyway.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
HXTT Support |
2006-08-16 21:52:36 |
SoftC can detect exclusive mode?
Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
Shervon |
2006-08-16 21:56:01 |
We downloaded your updated trial version file, when setProperty("lockType","FOXPRO4UNIX") is used it does not identify that the dbf is locked by some one else when the DBF is used with exclusive or without exclusive it updates the DBF anyway.
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
Shervon |
2006-08-16 21:58:20 |
SoftC detects that the DBF is opened it doesn't know whether it is exclusively opened or sharedly opened
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
HXTT Support |
2006-08-16 22:27:30 |
Please read and run the following code in your SCO UNIX, and let us know the output information:
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class testLock1 {
public static void main(String argv[]) {
try {
/* in FoxPro, run those command below:
use test shared
unlock record 3
unlock all
String url="jdbc:dbf:///f:/dbffiles";
String sql4rowlocked="select recno() from test where rowlocked()";
String sql4tablelock="?tablelocked('test')";
String[] lockTypes=new String[]{"DBASE","DBASE4BDE","DBASEIII","DBASEIV","CLIPPER","CLIPPER5.3","PowerPlus","SoftC","FOXBASE","FOXPRO","FOXPRO4BDE","FOXPRO4UNIX","VFP"};
Properties properties = new Properties();
System.out.println("Try ?rlock('3','test') in VFP, and you will get true");
int flag=System.in.read();
if(flag=='Y' || flag=='y' || flag=='C' || flag=='c'){
for(int i=0;i< lockTypes.length;i++){
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(sql4rowlocked);
System.out.print(lockTypes[i]+" lock type detects some record locks on:");
while (rs.next()){
rs = null;
System.out.println("Try ?Flock() in FoxPro, and you will get true");
int flag=System.in.read();
if(flag=='Y' || flag=='y' || flag=='C' || flag=='c'){
for (int i = 0; i < lockTypes.length; i++) {
properties.put("lockType", lockTypes[i]);
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql4tablelock);
System.out.print(lockTypes[i]+" lock type detects table lock on:");
rs = null;
}catch (SQLException sqle) {
do {
System.out.println("Error Code:" + sqle.getErrorCode());
System.out.println("SQL State:" + sqle.getSQLState());
while ( (sqle = sqle.getNextException()) != null);
catch (Exception e) {
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
shervon |
2006-08-16 23:19:29 |
int flag=System.in.read();
if(flag=='Y' || flag=='y' || flag=='C' || flag=='c'){
what do u mean by the above code you accept ab integer and checks whether it is a character
Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
shervon |
2006-08-16 23:57:21 |
Anyway it gives an error when trying to access rs,next after entering "y" in the first occassion.IOException
Locking the foxpro dbf in Sco Unix |
shervon |
2006-08-17 00:07:17 |
Anyway it gives an error when trying to access rs,next after entering "y" in the first occassion.IOException