Using DBF v3.0 with VFP 5 and ColdFusion 7.02.
If my tables are free tables they work fine. However, if they are inside a
database container and I attempt to query them with the
"from containerA.table1" format, or "from table1" format, they do not work.
(I do have the containerA.dbc stored in the same directory as the tables, so
it is in the correct JDBC URL path).
[I followed your step 4 in FAQ, compatibility section.]
I am concerned that the driver is not finding or reading the DBC.
I am also getting an error: "stored procedure hasn't been supported" when
I try to execute a procedure stored in the DBC.
Any Ideas? Thank you very much for your time.
Paul Hall, Virginia USA
>However, if they are inside a database container and I attempt to query them
> with the "from containerA.table1" format, or "from table1" format, they do
> not work.
>(I do have the containerA.dbc stored in the same directory as the tables, so
>it is in the correct JDBC URL path).
If your jdbc url is jdbc:dbf:///adir/containerA.dbc", you can try "from table1".
If your jdbc url is jdbc:dbf:///adir", you can try "from containerA.table1".
HXTT DBF supports to use long column name defined in containerA.dbc .
>I am also getting an error: "stored procedure hasn't been supported" when
>I try to execute a procedure stored in the DBC.
Yeah. HXTT DBF doesn't supported stored procedure in DBC. It's too complicated to support stored procedure in DBC.