we want to group rows, but have access to the different values
of the grouped column. In MySQL, this is obtained using
GOUP_CONCAT, which is not supported in HXTT dbf driver.
Any chance to have this supported or any other way of
achieving this goal?
According to your request, v4.0.036 supports GROUP_CONCAT function. ROUP_CONCAT([DISTINCT] expr_list [order_by_clause] [SEPARATOR str_val]): returns a string result with the concatenated non-NULL values from a group. It returns NULL if there are no non-NULL values. SEPARATOR is followed by the string value that should be inserted between values of result. The default is a comma (','). You can eliminate the separator altogether by specifying SEPARATOR ''. The result will be truncated to the maximum length of 2048 sometimes. It will be available after about 5 hours.