I found one problem in the columns types returned by a sub select, if I execute a sub select retuning a date column the "upper" select see this column as a String, see the following sample, the three columns should return "equal", but this is not true !
Can you correct this please ?!
public class ColumnTipeBug {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String connectionUrl;
Connection con;
connectionUrl = "jdbc:dbf:/C:/TEMP/";
con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl);
String sql =
" select " +
" CASE WHEN dateField = '2009-01-01' THEN 'equal' ELSE 'diff' END as DateXString," +
" CASE WHEN dateField = CDATE('01/01/2009','dd/MM/yyyy') THEN 'equal' ELSE 'diff' END as DateXCdate," +
" CASE WHEN CTOD(dateField) = CDATE('01/01/2009','dd/MM/yyyy') THEN 'equal' ELSE 'diff' END as CtodXCdate" +
" FROM (" +
" select CDATE('2009-01-01','yyyy-MM-dd') as dateField " +
" ) as m6 ";
PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
ResultSet resp = ps.executeQuery();
while (resp.next()) {
System.out.println("DateXString = " + resp.getString("DateXString") );
System.out.println("DateXCdate = " + resp.getString("DateXCdate") );
System.out.println("CtodXCdate = " + resp.getString("CtodXCdate") );
The output is
DateXString = equal
DateXCdate = diff
CtodXCdate = equal
Thanks. It's an issue which resulted by using default local calendar. Please download the latest package.