I am using the 4.0 driver and use a part in foxpro 7.0 and another using Servoy
this driver, at one point the index of one of my tables are corrupt and want to join from foxpro 7.0 will not let me, but let me continue using Servoy, I need to use both, foxpro 7.0 and Servoy
Try lockType=VFP connection property. For corrupted index, you need to run once "REINDEX ALL on thattable;"
Running reindex is fixed, but the solution does not help me because the idea is that
the index is not corrupt, there is some solution to this?
Use lockType=VFP connection property in your jdbc url to avoid future corruption.
that option is already set, this error could
be to use the version 4.0?
v4.2.039 solved a CDX multiuser compatibility issue with VFP, which VFP will produce specific duplicated index information sometimes on mulituser mode.
v4.2.013 fixed a bug on CDX compound format index file, which will sometimes set wrong index node information for specific complicated string index expression on insert operation.
Maybe your older version met that bug.
thank you very much for your information, Was very helpful, the trial version
to download for testing is the 4.2.039?
>the trial version to download for testing is the 4.2.039?