I have a pretty large table (about 140,000 records) and I and having a little trouble. I create an index on one of the columns and I am able to query but the issues is that this does not always work. It seems that ever now and then the index will be created but my connection will just stay there until it eventually times out. The same can be said about my query working sometimes and not others. Is there a limit to how big the DB can be when dealing with DBF v3.0? Could this be something I am doing wrong?
Thank you for your assistance.
>Is there a limit to how big the DB can be when dealing with DBF v3.0?
Wheter you are using client-server mode? What's the value of your lockTimeout connection property? What's your create index sql, and select sql sample?
>Wheter you are using client-server mode? What's the value of your lockTimeout connection property? What's your create index sql, and select sql sample?
I have the service running from the jar file. In my java code I created a connection object.Maybe you could explain what you mean when you say client or server mode?
My create index query is:
CREATE INDEX abc ON Regpregn (Invno UNIQUE)
My Query is:
"SELECT DISTINCT on (Compcd+Shiptogeo+Invgrossam+Invtottax+Invno+Invdate+Invoiceid) Compcd, Shiptogeo, Invgrossam, Invtottax, Invno, Invdate, Invoiceid FROM Regpregn ORDER BY Invno ASC"
My lockTimeout is set to 300000 (3 minutes).
What is very weird is that the index will seem to be created but the query never comes back.
Thank you.
Also, I get this error when it times out.
java.sql.SQLException: Timeout Interrupted Exception: beyond 30000 msecs to get result for a remote request, but that request should have been executed by remote server.
java.sql.SQLException: Timeout Interrupted Exception: beyond 30000 msecs to get result for a remote request, but that request should have been executed by remote server.
at com.hxtt.global.SQLState.SQLException(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.sql.remote.a.a(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.sql.remote.l.a(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.sql.remote.u.do(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.sql.remote.y.a(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.sql.remote.y.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
>what you mean when you say client or server mode?
What's your jdbc url? If you access only local dat, you can use embedded mode.
>CREATE INDEX abc ON Regpregn (Invno UNIQUE)
>"SELECT DISTINCT on (Compcd+Shiptogeo+Invgrossam+Invtottax+Invno+Invdate+Invoiceid) Compcd, Shiptogeo, Invgrossam, Invtottax, Invno, Invdate, Invoiceid FROM Regpregn ORDER BY Invno ASC"
That index can not help you to distinct your sql sample. If can quicken the following sql:
SELECT DISTINCT on (Invno) Compcd, Shiptogeo, Invgrossam, Invtottax, Invno, Invdate, Invoiceid FROM Regpregn
I started running in client mode and that seems to have resolved the issue. I still don't know why it would freeze in server mode.
Thank you very much for your help support.
>I still don't know why it would freeze in server mode.
Because client/server mode will limit long time operation. Embedded mode allows to wait the query result.