What is the default index type HXTT DBF uses? CDX or IDX? Which type is created when I perform a 'CREATE INDEX' statement?
Why doesn't the driver respond to the property 'Default Index Suffix'(is this th right property name?)?
If I succeed in providing the 'Default Index Suffix', does it change not only the extension but the type as well?
>What is the default index type HXTT DBF uses? CDX or IDX?
CDX or IDX according to index expression.
>Which type is created when I perform a 'CREATE INDEX' statement?
According to your CREATE INDEX sql, HXTT DBF supports to create any kind of IDX, CDX, MDX, NTX, and NDX if you assign suffix. for instance,
create index user of test.cdx on test (user ASC);
create index int1,char1 of test.cdx on test (int1 unique ,char1+int1 for not empty(char1));
create index if not exists ttt,bbb of product1.cdx on product1 (currency1,mem1 PRIMARY KEY ASC);
create index ttt of user.cdx on user@brian (user ASC);
create index aa of [table].mdx on [table] (char1);
create index ttt of testntx3.ntx on testntx (esercizio)
create index TACCT of cmbbillfile.ntx on cmbbillfile (TACCT);
create index int1 of test.cdx on test (int1 ASC);
create index user of test.cdx on test (user ASC);
>Why doesn't the driver respond to the property 'Default Index Suffix'(is this
> th right property name?)?
>If I succeed in providing the 'Default Index Suffix',
> does it change not only the extension but the type as well?
Yeah. It will change the default type too. Because 'Default Index Suffix' and "Incremental Index" is not preferable connection property so that it contains one space character between words.
BTW, if any XBase application does concurrent modfication, you need lockType connection property to let HXTT DBF and Xbase application can see each other.
You didn't answer my question why the HXTT DBF driver doesn't seem to act on the 'Default Index Suffix' property, example:
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty( "lockType", "VFP" );
properties.setProperty( "Default Index Suffix", "CDX" );
con = DriverManager.getConnection( url, properties );
executeUpdate( "CREATE TABLE customer (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "
+ "First_Name char(50), Last_Name char(50), Address char(50), "
+ "City char(50), Country char(25), Birth_Date date )" );
I get an IDX file and not even a valid one, the index does not show up when I inspect the table with FoxPro.
Sorry for missed that thread. Checked. Old package will use IDX format when there's only one expression, although "Default Index Suffix"="CDX". The latest package will be available after about 2 hours.