hi, i have one DBF table and 12 NTX index files, i'm using the jdbc and i wanna know how can i define the index file to use in my program.
>12 NTX index files
1st solution:
Incremental Index connection propertyy: Indicates to support naming scheme for tablen.* (table0n.*, table00n.*) (n:1~9). You can use null, "IDX","CDX","NDX","MDX", and "NTX" now. For instance, you have a table P2FSACX.DBF which has indices of P2FSACX1.NTX and P2FSACX2.NTX, but you haven't a CGP file to load two index, you can set that property to NTX.
2nd soluction:
Clipper's CGP file has been supported. You can use a text editor to browse and modify CGP file. For the nonstructural index file which hasn't the same file name as its table name and is created by other xbase applications, you can:
run the DBFIndex once to supply the necessary index file information. You can use "java com.hxtt.sql.dbf.DBFIndex" to find out how to supply existent index files. Useage: java com.hxtt.sql.dbf.DBFIndex dbfTablePath tableName indexFileFullName1 [indexFileFullName2 ...]. For instance, you have a legacy 'product.dbf' file with prodname.idx, prodprice.idx and orderdate.idx on "c:\proudct\data" directory, you can run "java com.hxtt.sql.dbf.DBFIndex c:\proudct\data product prodname.idx prodprice.idx orderdate.idx" once.
Then DBF will create a special table.CGP file and maintain the index files automatically. Then DBF will create a special product.CGP file and maintain the index files automatically.