I am using hxtt driver versioin 3.0. The caseInsensitive=true doesn't seem to be working. In another post, I saw the property name as 'ODBCCaseInsensitiveBehavior'
setting either property to 'true' is not making the search case in sensitive. Is there any other settings that need to be done to make a case insensitive search? (without convertinbg to upper or lower cases)
>I am using hxtt driver versioin 3.0. The caseInsensitive=true
If you means HXTT DBF v5.1 JDBC3.0 package (DBF_JDBC30.jar), which should support caseInsensitive connection prperty. If you are using the older HXTT DBF v3.0, that version doesn't those connection properties. What's your sql sample?