I am facing a rather strange issue with an -order by- clause of an SQL statement being ignored. I have a result set that I want to order by different columns. But what ever order by I use I get the same result order and this result order seems to be related to the -group by- clause that I am using.
Are you aware of this? Is the -order by- of a SQL select ignored if a -group by-
is used at the same time?
I even used the latest TRIAL version of your driver, DBF JDBC 3.0 Package V5.2,
an got the same results.
Thank you for any help
What's your sql sample? group by is prior than order by.
This is my SQL string including a dynamic order by using the variable "corder". I thought at least in Visual Foxpro the order by is prior to group by but if your driver is different I should be able to change the code and will sort by using the group by.
String cConnectionSQL = "select "+
"bestellungen.bestellung, bestellungen.sch, bestellungen.b1, bestellungen.verladung, bestellungen.sped_name, bestellungen.name,"+
"bestellungen.liefertermin_bestaetigt, bestellungen_pos.liefertermin, bestellungen_pos.artnr, bestellungen_pos.pos, bestellungen_pos.bez1, bestellungen_pos.bez2, bestellungen_pos.bez3, bestellungen_pos.typ, bestellungen_pos.einheit, "+
"sum(bestellungen_pos.gewicht) as gewicht, "+
"sum(bestellungen_pos.menge) as menge, "+
"sum(bestellungen_pos.menge_geliefert) as menge_geliefert, "+
"sum(bestellungen_pos.menge_verlust) as menge_verlust, "+
"sum(iif(isnull(aggregate.menge_fertig),0,aggregate.menge_fertig)) "+
"from bestellungen "+
"inner join bestellungen_pos on upper(bestellungen.bestellung)==upper(bestellungen_pos.bestellung) "+
"left join (select bestellung, pos, SUM(iif(isnull(menge_fertig),0,menge_fertig)) as menge_fertig from bestellungen_fertigmeldungen group by bestellung, pos) aggregate "+
"on aggregate.bestellung IS NULL or aggregate.pos is NULL or (upper(aggregate.bestellung)=upper(bestellungen.bestellung) and bestellungen_pos.pos=aggregate.pos) "+
"where bestellungen.erledigt=false and not empty(bestellungen.datum) and bestellungen_pos.erledigt=false and upper(bestellungen.ckdnr)=upper('"+kdnr+"') "+
"group by "+
"bestellungen_pos.liefertermin, bestellungen.bestellung, bestellungen_pos.bez1, bestellungen_pos.bez2, bestellungen.sch, "+
"bestellungen.b1, "+
"bestellungen.verladung, bestellungen.sped_name, bestellungen.name, "+
"bestellungen.liefertermin_bestaetigt, bestellungen_pos.artnr, bestellungen_pos.pos, bestellungen_pos.bez3, bestellungen_pos.typ, bestellungen_pos.einheit "+
"order by "+corder;
"order by "+corder;
If corder is using in group by, it will be ignored. Otherwise, the order by should be used.