I wish to use the driver JDBC Excel, to integrate a file Excel into a data base ORACLE.
I use the trial version. I meet problems with the numeric fields and date, recognized as JAVA_OBJECT and badly got back.
The decimal part is truncated.
Thank you for your help
>I meet problems with the numeric fields and date, recognized as JAVA_OBJECT
> and badly got back.
>The decimal part is truncated.
v1.1.010 provides maxScanRows connection property for data auto data type detection, but it still supports using different data types for a column. If all of your columns were recognized as JAVA_OBJECT type, you should be using an older package. If only a few columns were recongized as JAVA_OBJECT, its cells should be mixed with string value.
I am using the v1.1.010 package.
All columns have the same type, except the column header.
Only the string type are recognized.
NUMERIC and DATE are not recognized.
I have tried different values for the maxScanRows connection property(0,number of rows,-1).
I obtain always the same result: JAVA_OBJECT for numeric and date columns.
Thanks for your help.
You can send webmaster@hxtt.com such a xls sample.