Hi All,
I need a small help.i am using hxtt driver for reading from one excel sheet and writing it into another excel sheet.in the code i am using a query which is like this
String query="select distinct TrackId,Campaign,AdGroup,Publisher from sheet1";
But i am not getting all the disticnt rows some rows are missing.is there any way write a query to get all the distinct rows from the excel sheet.
please help me to solve this problem.
>But i am not getting all the disticnt rows some rows are missing.is there any
> way write a query to get all the distinct rows from the excel sheet.
Please send us a xls sample so that we can check what's your issue.
>I am using hxtt driver for reading from one excel sheet and writing it into
> another excel sheet.
You can use "insert into aXls.sheet1 select distinct TrackId,Campaign,AdGroup,Publisher from sheet1";