Yes we understand and did that before we contacted you. Your example shows how to do it with JDBC but you are calling getTables() on what Excel file (database)? No where in your example do you describe how to connect to a data base without specifying the table ("database"."table").
jdbc:excel:/" or "jdbc:excel:///". Then you can use some full UNC path names in SQL to visit anywhere where your Java VM has right to access.
For instance:
select * from \\amd2500\e$\excelfiles\test;
elect * from "\\amd2500\d$\exceliles".test;
select * from ".".test;
IF we connect to DB and call getTables() on the connection it fails, naturally as expected since the driver does not know which database (Excel File to use).
The HXTT driver throws exceptions.. here is the code, here is exception..
09:25:05,966 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
09:25:05,967 ERROR [STDERR] at com.hxtt.sql.excel.v.a(Unknown Source)
09:25:05,967 ERROR [STDERR] at com.hxtt.sql.excel.v.a(Unknown Source)
09:25:05,967 ERROR [STDERR] at com.hxtt.sql.excel.v.a(Unknown Source)
09:25:05,967 ERROR [STDERR] at com.hxtt.sql.excel.v.if(Unknown Source)
09:25:05,967 ERROR [STDERR] at com.hxtt.sql.a.getTables(Unknown Source)
09:25:05,967 ERROR [STDERR] at
HERE iS CODE... Connection is established. We can query Excel file but only as long as we provide table name. IF we try and get the tbales using getTables() it fails. How do we specify the database to use before we execute the following code?
ResultSet set = null;
try {
//String[] types = new String[2];
//types[0] = "TABLE";
//types[1] = "SYSTEM TABLE";
//Statement stmnt = this.conn.createStatement();
set = this.conn.getMetaData().getTables(null,null,"%",null);
if ( set==null) logger.log( "NFO", "HDX.HDXReqIFC.HDXDBUtil", "getTables() META is NULL", this.conn.getWarnings().toString() );
this.rslt = new ArrayList();
while( ) {
LinkedHashMap rec = new LinkedHashMap();
logger.log( "NFO", "HDX.HDXReqIFC.HDXRest", "TABLETABLE:::", set.getString(3) );
rec.put( "table", set.getString(3) );
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if ( set!=null ) set.close();
set = null;
} catch (SQLException e) {
1st solution
url = "jdbc:excel:/\\\\amd2500\\f$/excelfiles";
2nd solution
url = "jdbc:excel:///";
>09:25:05,966 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.NullPointerException
Thanks. It will disappear in the next package.