Hi.. I am using trail version of HXTT using Excel_JDBC30.jar for my project. We are intended to buy the license also. But i am getting error while getting the value 130-8560 from a column POST_CODE (General data type) ,this column is mostly having numeric values but while getting value 130-8560 , system abends.
Below is the stack trace -
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to get an int object from java.lang.String: 130-8560
at com.hxtt.global.SQLState.SQLException(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.global.SQLState.transferValueException(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.global.al.b(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.sql.common.e.getObject(Unknown Source)
Please help as soon as possible , because of this limitation we would not be able to go ahead with purchasing the license.
We are using the trail version of HXTT (Excel_JDBC30.jar) , though it is working fine with our earlier problem with reading turkish characters but when reading column value 130-8560 , it is throwing exception.
We have a column named POST_CODE(DATA TYPE - GENERAL) , having values like (34394,110-858) , for values having '-' , system is abending.
Below is exception--
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to get an int object from java.lang.String: 130-8560
at com.hxtt.global.SQLState.SQLException(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.global.SQLState.transferValueException(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.global.al.b(Unknown Source)
at com.hxtt.sql.common.e.getObject(Unknown Source)
at com.csc.sics.mtk.etl.io.jdbc.JdbcTypesConverter.getObject(JdbcTypesConverter.java:40)
at com.csc.sics.mtk.etl.io.jdbc.ResultSetManager.getRow(ResultSetManager.java:135)
... 17 more
Please help us in this issue , because of this issue we have put an hold on buying the license version of HXTT.
maxScanRows Default value=10
You can use maxScanRows=0 or maxScanRows=-1 connection property.
I have a property file , i load connect details from it , i have added new parameter maxScanRows to it , but still it is not working
jdbc.url=jdbc:Excel:///C:/SICS_Update/Migration/Mapping_Data/BP/BUSINESS PARTNERS MASTER.xlsx
but still i am getting above exception (in previous post).
Thanks , Above problem is resolved with maxScanRows but still I have 2 questions -
1) Does hxtt driver support reading data from .xlsb (Excel binary) file ?
2) What is use of maxScanRows and how does it solve the problem ?
>1) Does hxtt driver support reading data from .xlsb (Excel binary) file ?
Doesn't support.
>2) What is use of maxScanRows and how does it solve the problem ?
At http://www.hxtt.com/excel/installation.html#url ,
maxScanRows: Indicates how many rows should be scanned when determining the column types. If you set maxScanRows to 0, the entire file is scanned. If you set maxScanRows to a negative value, the file won't be scanned. Default value: 10