I'm trying to read a PDF file using your demo driver downloaded today.
I could connect to the PDF file using Squirrel but I couldn't retrieve any data from it.
All SELECTs return null values or an empty list.
I'll send the file I'm trying to read.
Hopefully you would be able to tell me what's the required syntax and connection properties if needed.
Thank you!!
All of your pdf data is in a form. Supported. Please download the latest package.
Needn't speical connection property. JSON syntax is at JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Support. All of HXTT drivers support JSON, Array, XML data type.
The following sql samples:
*select * from PDF_2019424182121;
*select * from PDF_2019424182121.page1;
*select *,words from PDF_2019424182121.page1;
*select *,words,formNo from PDF_2019424182121.page1;
select Texts from PDF_2019424182121.page1 where PageNo=1 and CoordinateY= 551.688 and Words[array_ndims(words)-1]->'text'='IVA';
select Texts from PDF_2019424182121.page1 where PageNo=1 and FormNo=1 and CoordinateY= 551.688 and Words[array_ndims(words)-1]->'text'='IVA';
select 'IVA', words[array_ndims(words)]->'text',array_ndims(words),words,words[array_ndims(words)-1]->'x', words[array_ndims(words)-1]->'y',Words[array_ndims(words)-1]->'text' from PDF_2019424182121 where PageNo=1 and CoordinateY= 551.688;
select *,texts from PDF_2019424182121.page1 where PageNo=1 and CoordinateY= 551.688 and Words[array_ndims(words)-1]->'text'='IVA';
update PDF_2019424182121.page1 set texts[6]='$365' where PageNo=1 and CoordinateY= 551.688 and texts[array_ndims(words)-1]='IVA';/* One update format to fill a form, where clause can be any condition mixture*/
select 'Costo Total', words[array_ndims(words)]->'text',array_ndims(words),words,words[array_ndims(words)]->'x',words[array_ndims(words)]->'y' from PDF_2019424182121 where PageNo=1 and CoordinateY= 523.688;
update PDF_2019424182121.page1 set Words#>'{5,text}'='$2,365.00' where PageNo=1 and CoordinateY= 523.688 and Words#>'{4,text}'='Costo Total';/* another update format */
insert into PDF_2019424182121.page1 (CoordinateY,textline) values(400,'A demo line2');
flush database PDF_2019424182121;
select 'Costo Total', words[array_ndims(words)]->'text', array_ndims(words),words,words[array_ndims(words)]->'x',words[array_ndims(words)]->'y' from PDF_2019424182121 where PageNo=1 and CoordinateY= 523.688;
Regarding the Support request I opened recently:
We run the SQL statements gently provided as samples.
Still got the same problem: no data retrieved and errors in some cases as
"Error: Invalid column or variable: Texts
SQLState: S0022
ErrorCode: 213249"
FYI, I'm using com.hxtt.sql.pdf.PDFDriver from PDF_JDBC40.jar with jdbc:pdf:///c:/users/rmartins/desktop/ as URL for connection.
I believe that something has to be wrong because in Object list from Squirrel I can see the PDF but with a 0 Row Count.
Can you orient me about what can be wrong?
Thank you
I downloaded the latest version of JDBC driver and it's working now.
Sorry by misunderstanding your previous answer.