Would it be possible to get a jar that contained all the commoon code betweeen the 4 jdbc drivers? And then be able to download the individual (smaller) specific drivers jars? We currently have to deploy 3 800k + jars with lots of duplicate code. It would be great to be able to cut down the size of the code...
Yeah. For instance, you have enter the directory of DBF_JDBC30.jar and Access_JDBC30.jar, then run:
jar xf DBF_JDBC30.jar
jar xf Access_JDBC30.jar
jar cvfM DBF_Core_JDBC30.jar com\hxtt\sql\dbf
jar cvfM Access_Core_JDBC30.jar com\hxtt\sql\access
del /s/q com\hxtt\sql\dbf
del /s/q com\hxtt\sql\access
jar cvfM HXTT_Common_JDBC30.jar com\hxtt\
del /s/q com\hxtt\
rd /s/q com\hxtt
rd com
That's all:)
BTW, we haven't received the response from you for http://www.hxtt.com/support_view_issue.jsp?product=access&id=1139350475 .
Thank you for the instructions. If you could add this packaging option to the download pages it would be great. I suspect I am not the only one who has to deploy more than one of the JARs...
Sorry. Forgot to reply that thread. According to your suggestion, all of HXTT JDBC packages have provided Common Jar and Core Jar since 2006-03-09. Thanks.
Got it.. Thanks alot. this will reduce our deployment package size by a couple megs.