I would like to handle gzip'd files that have not been tarred. It seems that HXTT only allows a tarred gzip file which can replace the directory in the jdbc connect string: jdbc:csv:/f:/myfile.tgz
I want to use a regular connect string like: jdbc:csv:/f:/data
but have my csv file compressed. Is there any way to do that?
Installation: Successful
For example,there is a abc.zip file at f:/data directory.
This file compressed by aaa file and xyz direcoty which contains xyzaaa file
You can use as the follows sql to query this file.
select * from "abc.zip".xyz.xyzaaa
select * from "abc.zip".aaa
Mor examples:
select * from "a.tgz".abc;
select * from "a.tar".a;
select * from "a.tar.gz".a;
select * from "a.csv.gz".a
select * from "b.tar.bz2".a