Hi, I'm doing an evaluation on the HXTT Text(CSV) JDBC driver 3.0. I have the same problem as what's described in the message titled "exception thrown". There is a field in the last two lines of the csv file which can't be
parsed as date as the other lines. I set ignoreDirtyData to be false so that
no exceptions are thrown. However, I can't get the dirty values as described,as
rs.getWarnings() returns null. Could you help me on this? Thanks!
>I set ignoreDirtyData to be false so that no exceptions are thrown.
You should set ignoreDirtyData to true.
while (rs.next())
java.sql.SQLWarning warnings=rs.getWarnings();
System.out.println("Error Code:"+warnings.getErrorCode());
System.out.println("SQL State:"+warnings.getSQLState());