I have a tab delimited txt file with over 20,000 records. When I run this query, it only returns 5000 records. I tried on other files and it seems that HXTT only ever returns 5000 records. What am I doing wring???
FROM "E:\www\uniformsmallusa\htdocs\admin\import\DBLD\data\DBLDLongImport.txt"
getLong (Datasource=dbldimport, Time=375ms, Records=5000) in E:\www\uniformsmallusa\htdocs\admin\import\DBLD\specialProcessing.cfm @ 00:39:43.043
FROM "E:\www\uniformsmallusa\htdocs\admin\import\DBLD\data\DBLDLongImport.txt"
Evaluation limitation. It's descripted at here.