Error preparing statement for executing the
report query :
select mainCSV.*,hdrCSV.*,(select count('*') from ip_callputwks_rpt.txt ) as Record_Count
from ip_callputwks_rpt.txt mainCSV
right join ip_callputwks_hdr.txt hdrCSV
Passed test. What's your error messsage?
BTW, you can use also
select mainCSV.*,hdrCSV.*,reccount('mainCSV') as Record_Count from ip_callputwks_rpt.txt mainCSV right join ip_callputwks_hdr.txt hdrCSV
which is the best practice,count('*') or using recount(),
where should i get the doc which mentioning HXTT support recount().
>where should i get the doc which mentioning HXTT support recount().
RECCOUNT AT System Functions.
>which is the best practice,count('*') or using recount(),
Both of them is using at different occasion.
so what is the exact diff betwn this two functions ?
RECCOUNT is used to return the total record number of a table.
COUNT(...) can used to do condition filter aggregate.