If I have a time in a format without seconds like 17:45, the driver isn't able to see it as the TIME-type and just returns a LONGVARCHAR. Setting the parameter timeFormat to HH:mm doesn't work as well.
Is this expected behaviour?
Kind regards,
Remco Schoen
Supported. Please download the latest package, which wil utilize timeFormat for date type auto detection now.
I gave it a try with version 2.2.087 and it still returns a LONGVARCHAR.
BTW the MANIFEST.MF in the zip-file doesn't contain the same information as the one in the jar-file and is pretty useless, because it doesn't contain any version-info:
"Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.6.0-rc (Sun Microsystems Inc.)"
Forget to tell you that you should use timeFormat=hh:mm , not HH:mm.
The problem came from JUnit-testing without the parameter delayedClose=0. It took old info from one of the other tests.
HH:mm seems to work as well. Are you using the patterns from SimpleDateFormat or do you have your own?
The patterns from SimpleDateFormat