I'm running a test to see how the driver handles wrong values in a column, for instance a string in a column with doubles.
I get this error:
Failed to go Record 40 of table number_not! For more information, please use SQLException.getNextException().
Failed to get an int value from [B: A
A is the string value, but what does "[B" mean? Should it be the column name or number?
Kind regards,
Remco Schoen
>A is the string value, but what does "[B" mean? Should it be the column name
>or number?
It's a byte[] object. You can use ignoreDirtyData=true connection property to skip your wrong values.
Okay, so the string "[B" stands for a byte[] object and not for a column indication. Is it possible to give information about the column at this stage?
We are testing to see what the driver does with wrong values. The ODBC driver from Microsoft just ignores these values, but we like to see them, so we can say to our customer that they have wrong values in their text-files.
>>[B: A
>Is it possible to give information about the column at this stage?
[B means a byte[] object, A is the friendly string value. It wish an int value, but found a 'A' wrong value.
>Is it possible to give information about the column at this stage?
Yeah. The latest package will prompt column, row, value inforamtion for wrong value.
You can download the latest package now.
Cool, it works, we get a user friendly message now.