dear hxtt,
to reproduce the bug:
1. access this file with ftp
2. execute: "create table data1e(a varchar(10),b varchar(10),c varchar(10))"
3. failed with error : java.sql.SQLException: data1f.csv
this does not happen when connecting to local folder (file created successfully)
FTP mode is read-only mode for data-mining now.
dear hxtt,
i think you must state this in the product specification, this will cause me trouble with my users
because of their expectation on product page:
URL database
It supports seamlessly http url, https url, ftp url, and sftp url in jdbc url and sql.
SAMBA database
It supports seamlessly smb url in jdbc url and sql.
and i'm not even starting to test sftp yet
everyone can write programs on csv, but the wide connectivity feature & sql interface is the strength
of hxtt products, i believe you should prioritize to improve this
thank you
Yeah. We will provide write feature soon, but in fact it's an ftp upload file since ftp protocol limitation.
2014-09-02 supports write ftp protocol data file.